Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fostering High Quality Formative Assessent

1. Formative assessments are informal or formal  assessments that occur during the learning process.

2. The purpose of formative assessments are to provide feedback to the teacher of student achievement. This will help the teacher modify and re-teach lessons if needed.

3.A best practice in formative assessment can be linked to summarizing as well as advanced organizers. When students make an organizer they are creating and summarizing the content of a subject into one area. This allows the teacher to see what they student know and what they need to work on.

4. You can use a rubric or formative and summative assessment. Students can look at the description and know what is expected. You can also calculate a grade from the point values.

5. Each morning the students have an activity to complete before their day starts. The activity is usually a worksheet that reflects a concept they were taught the day before. If the teacher sees that the students did well she uses it as a summative assessment. If they still need some work, she provides feedback and allows them to re-do the assignment.

6. For formative assessment to be effective the teacher needs to provide feedback in a timely manner so that students stay motivated with their work.

7. Two advantages of formative assessment are:
  • teachers are better aware of student achievement
  • students are aware of their work success
8. Some challenges are:
  • teachers do not know how to implement high quality formative assessment
  • this type of assessment isn't supported by those outside of the classroom

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